Set your hourly rates
You chose and set your own hourly rates for individual lessons on Verbling. You always earn 85% of whatever you charge students, and a 15% commission goes to Verbling. You can set your hourly rates from your Rates page.
Single rate vs. Bulk rate
Pricing strategy for new teachers:
If you are a new teacher, you might consider offering a more competitive and lower price than usual in order to build up your initial community of students. Offering a lower price early on could help you get students and your first ratings/reviews on your teacher profile page faster. You can always increase your rates in the future.
Please note that you can also lock a special rate for a single lesson for a specific student.
Verbling subsidized promotions:
From time to time, Verbling runs promo campaigns giving students a discount. This increases purchases from existing students and attracts new students. Students will see your rates as discounted. However, nothing changes for you: the discount in this case is always covered by Verbling and you receive your usual payment.
You might see it showing on your teacher's profile page like this: