On your teacher profile page, you will notice a section called “Teacher Stats”.
Student-facing teacher statistics started to be calculated on June 20th, 2018. Please note that stats are automatically updated 2x per day (not after every single lesson or student interaction). Below is an explanation of how each teacher stat is calculated.
Response Time
Response time is calculated by averaging the length of time it takes you to respond to a student’s very first message to you. Below are the possible values for “Response Time”.
- Very quickly: Less than 15 minutes
- Within an hour: Less than an hour
- Within a few hours: Less than 12 hours
- Within a day: Less than or equal to 24 hours
- Within a few days: More than 24 hours
Response time does not take into consideration onboarding messages, bots, archived rooms or spam.
Response Rate
Response rate is calculated by the percentage of the last 25 tutoring requests to which you replied.
This refers to the student's very first message to you.
If you receive a spam message, be sure to mark it as such in order to exclude this message from your response rate and response time metrics.
If the student booked without saying anything to you and the first message you receive from them is a booking notice, that is part of the calculation. We recommend that you reply to a booking with "Thanks for booking with me! See you then!" or something along those lines in order to maintain a good response rate.
Attendance Rate
Verbling monitors your attendance. You must be present on the session page at some point during the first 10 minutes of your scheduled class in order to be marked as “Attended”. Your attendance rate is a simple average: # of classes attended / # of classes with “completed” status.
Total Lessons
This is the total number of lessons you’ve taught on Verbling that currently have a “Completed” status.
Lessons Per Student
The lessons per student metric is the sum of all the lessons given, divided by the total number of students. However, lessons taken by students who did not have a follow-up lesson are removed from the equation.
For instance, if a teacher had 3 students, 1 student had 1 lesson with him, one had 4, and one 5, the average will be (4 + 5) / 3 = 3 lessons per student, because the 1 lesson wasn't counted.
Please note that the Lessons per Student metric does not include the 30-minute trial. Only full 60-minute lessons are factored into this statistic.
Average Rating
A teacher’s average rating is calculated using a weighted system as follows:
- 5 Stars: 1
- 4 Stars: 0.75
- 3 Stars: 0.5
- 2 Stars: 0.25
- 1 Star: 0
If a teacher receives a 5, it is fully weighted. The lower it goes, the less the rating matters to the overall score. A 1 will not affect the average rating as it’s not counted. It’s a system designed to heavily favor good scores and remove outliers like 1s. Weighting averages is an industry standard.
The average rating is used in combination with a Wilson Score, or Binomial Proportion Confidence Interval, to determine how teachers are listed on the teacher listing page.