Each week, your earnings from teaching lessons accumulate on your Earnings page.
Earnings become available for cash out either on Sunday or Monday based on your timezone. You can cash out your entire balance only, splitting the balance and cashing out only a part of it is not possible at the moment.
Verbling offers different methods for teachers to cash out their payments. Please research these methods to find out which one is best for you.
- PayPal
- Payoneer
- Wise (exception for these currencies: PKR, LKR, PEN, BDT, COP, CNY, INR, UAH, GHS and USD to a bank account outside of the US)
Teachers may update their cash out method of choice when cashing out on their Earnings page.
In order to cash out, you will need to have a minimum balance of $10 for PayPal and Wise, and a minimum balance of $20 for Payoneer.
- On your Earnings page click "Cash out"

2. When cashing out, you can choose to pay out to an existing payment method, delete it or create a new one:

If you add a new payment method, it has to be verified. Verification usually takes 24 hours. If you add a new payment method on Friday, it will be verified on Monday.
In addition to a small per-transfer fee charged by Verbling ($1 for PayPal transactions in the US, $2 for international PayPal transactions, and $3 for Payoneer and Wise)*, there may be additional transfer costs from PayPal, Payoneer, and/or Wise which may vary by method, destination country, currency choice, and location.
Read about PayPal’s outgoing withdrawal fees here.
Read about Payoneer’s outgoing withdrawal fees here.
Read about Wise’s outgoing withdrawal fees here.
* The Verbling per-transfer fee is only applicable to teachers who joined Verbling after August 9, 2017.