This step-by-step guide is for teachers.
Occasionally, there will be an issue with your lesson. Such issues include your student missing or being late to your lesson, or having to leave early due to unforeseen circumstances; under extreme circumstances, you may have missed, been late, or left your lesson early. Additionally, technical difficulties might have impeded your lesson from proceeding as expected.
NOTE: Verbling Support will not automatically resolve issues; it is up to the teacher to resolve the issue. Verbling Support will only resolve issues in extreme cases when a student and teacher need help to resolve a dispute about a lesson.
If your student reported an issue, you will see a notification on top of your Dashboard:
Click "Resolve Issue" and continue to step 3).
If you would like to report and resolve an issue with your lesson, please do the following:
1) Go to your Dashboard.
2) Go to the lesson where the issue occurred and click "Resolve Issue".
NOTE: You can only resolve an issue with your lesson after the full duration of the lesson has passed. If it is still during the original lesson's duration, please wait until after the lesson to report an issue.
3) In the pop-up screen, select the relevant issue with your lesson, or select “Other” if your issue is not listed.
4) Optionally, include comments about the situation. These comments will be sent to your student.
5) Click “Next”.
Now, you will be prompted to select a resolution for the issue.
6)In the pop-up screen, select your desired solution. Solutions vary, depending on the issue reported.
7) Click "Resolve", and that's it! The resolution will be posted in the chat with you student.
NOTE: If you issue your student any refund, the cost of this refund will be taken from your pay for this lesson. If you reset the lesson, your student will be able to reschedule the lesson and take it again. You will not receive payment for your original lesson.