On rare occasions, teachers may have personal or technical issues that prevent them from making your lesson.
If your teacher had connection/technical/personal issues after the lesson started and that prevented you from taking a lesson, you can request partial or full refund or rescheduling this lesson:
1) Go to your Dashboard.
2) Find the lesson, click on the little arrow and select "Report issue to Teacher"
3) In the pop-up screen, check the check box next to relevant reason:

4) Optionally, include comments about the situation. These comments will be communicated to your teacher.
5) Click "Report".
6) Your teacher will have 48 hours to resolve the issue.

1. If you report an issue with your lesson, but do not file a support request, then the Verbling Support team will be unaware of any issue that happened until a support request is filed. Our team is never notified of issue reports until a teacher or student reaches out to our team directly at support@verbling.com.
2. If you report an issue with your Verbling lesson and your teacher does not resolve it within 2 business days, please reach out to our team so we are able to resolve your issue report for you!