OXXO is a popular chain of convenience stores in Mexico. The company created the OXXO invoice, a document that contains a barcode and can be paid in any one of the 13,000 OXXO convenience stores located throughout the country.
If you're located in Mexico, you can select the OXXO payment method on the checkout page when you purchase classes with a Verbling teacher.
After finalizing the purchase, you'll receive a voucher with a barcode referencing the transaction.
You should print the voucher and pay it at any of the 13,000 OXXO convenience stores in Mexico.
Payment may take some time to go through – generally 3 to 7 days from the date of payment; as such, there will be a delay between the date of payment and the date the course will show up in your account.
We recommend paying the OXXO invoice within 3 days to prevent it from expiring
For any questions or concerns, please contact our support team at support@verbling.com.
Please note: Only students located in Mexico will see the OXXO pay option on the checkout page and will have the option to pay using this method.