To block or report a user for wrongdoing, please do the following:
1) Go to your Verbling Messages.
2) Open the message history with the user you wish to block and/or report.
3) Hover over their profile picture at the top of your messages with them.
4) Click "Report".
5) Select the reason(s) why you are reporting the user under "This person is violating Verbling policies by:". Please include written details about what happened under "Details".
Reports are reviewed by Verbling team. If we don't have any details, we're unable to take measures towards the reported user.
If you simply wish to report a user, but don't wish to prevent him or her from messaging or booking lessons with you, you may now skip to Step 8 below.
6) If you would like to take things a step further and block a user, click the checkbox next to "Block". If you are satisfied and don't wish to block the user from messaging you or booking lessons with you, you may now skip to Step 8 below.
7) In extreme cases, you may block a user. To block a user from any contact with you, should he or she egregiously violate Verbling policies or your personal safety, click the checkbox highlighted in red.
8) Click "Report". And that's it!